Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Something's Happening Here

Something’s happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear.”
(song by Stephen Stills)
Well, something is happening here and I am not exactly clear as to what all it will entail.
So for a while my post may be of thoughts about the CHANGE that is taking place in our lives…

Mick and I are moving to Prague…when? Well, that is one of those things that ain’t exactly clear!!! But some time in the Spring of 2009.
The Lord has moved us out of this ministry into another. And if I did not know beyond a shadow of a doubt that HE was moving us I couldn’t go.

I do know that it is the next step of obedience and will take it in trust…but I’m doing much reflection these days.

Tonight I baked a chocolate pie for guest. As I was stirring the pudding I remembered the first time I made a chocolate pie in Ukraine. It was in 1994 in our first humble apartment. Back then I had tears in my eyes as I stirred…it is a wonder that the pie wasn’t too salty to eat. I was so home-sick…and the stirring of the pudding made me miss my mom more. You see, she always let me stir the pudding when she was baking a chocolate pie.
I also remembered the Thanksgiving (what year was it?) when we were at the Ray’s and Regina Lamb (the boys’ teacher) was stirring and stirring the pudding for the pie and it wasn’t getting thick…we finally realized that the burner (gas stove) had gone out! Poor Regina!

As I stirred tonight I thought of the changes that have taken place within me, my family, and this country since 1994. The most outstanding change I contemplated tonight was that I am feeling home-sick for Ukraine even before we move. Who would have thought, fourteen plus years ago, that one day I’d be stirring the pudding for a pie thinking how sad it was going to be to leave this place?

God is the only one who could do this…take this small city girl from Texas…bring her to Europe (yes, Eastern) and put her in a BIG city with a whole different culture and language and make her feel at home…I didn’t even notice when He did it, that is the witty thing.

Something has been happening here for years…and the only thing I’m clear about is this…
He is in control, He is faithful, He is the judge of all the earth and He will do right. (Genesis 18:25)

"Thank you, Jesus…I will wait for you to heal my hurting heart and make Prague home.
Do you think You could give me a hint on how long that is going to take???
Okay…I’ll wait!"


Tiffany said...

WOW!! That is alot of changin'. I think maybe I should come to visit you in Prague. Will that make it feel more like home?

Anonymous said...

This makes me sad and excited at the same time. I have seen so many people come and go... but we came together-so it will be harder to see you go!!!! I will miss you tons...even if you are just a few hundred? miles away!

By the way... I have never had any of that chocolate pie!

Joe R said...

Great reflection... it is funny that the Lord can make one home-sick for a place which isn't our home? I still miss Kyiv and guess soon I will miss Karaganda, but like you, I know WHO is in control. Peace that can only come from HIM.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a change! We will be lifting you up. I am asking the Lord to make where we are home as well - it hasn't happened yet, but I need to wait patiently -right!


Anonymous said...

Darn...now I'll just have to see you in Prague. Dalese, I love you, and am sorry that you're feeling homesick even before you leave. I'll remember you to our Father, and hope you are encouraged to know that as the changes come he's right there holding your hand.

Happy Birthday by the way ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Girl! Another year older another year wiser! Wow I can't believe ya'll been there that long. Who would have ever thought Urkaine would be your home and I know you have blessed them with your joy and sweet smile you always have. Texas still misses you! Love, Ann G. x/o